Monday, November 07, 2005

Announcing CC News Blog

One of the items in my "to do" list for the Community Color family of sites was to create a "news" program. The news program would list informal press releases in reverse chronological order. It would allow for comments and expose itself to the world with an RSS feed.

This really is not that big of a program. But why re-invent the wheel? Blogs are the perfect tool for issuing news releases. Blogs also happen to be plugged into an exciting and dynamic community of bloggers. So, I decided to create a blog called Community Color News which will list new developments to the Community Color sites.

So, the first news release is (ta da) the addition of a news blog to the community color family of web sites. These sites include open directories for a select number of cities in the Mountain West.

This blog will only have periodic posts. Feel free to leave comments. You can request features on community forum.

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