My Stats show the community color web sites pulled in twelve hundred bucks in the fourth quarter of 09. It is up from the previous year. The sites make about the tenth of what I would need to make one minimum wage job.
I did a great deal of work during the year replacing failing online merchants with new merchants.
I decided to concentrate on merchants offering widgets. A widget is a program that updates automatically with current inventory.
For example, I've been working on All Posters stores. I like the program because the widgets add some content (pictures) with the possibility of making revenue. The Poster Store for Moab shows images of arches ... a visually pleasing subject.
The revenue has been scant. I've earned $15.00 for 1000 clickthrus so far. It takes about 100,000 page views to get 1000 clicks. So far, I've yet to find a niche on the Internet that is not marginal.